Front Office

Front Office

Risk Subscriptions Background

Front Office

For industry professionals looking at derivatives market sizing, benchmarking data and sales opportunities. Access all of the latest news, analysis and deep-dive technical content too.

Find out more

The Counterparty Radar

Create peer comparisons, inform counterparty selections and get a head start in client prospecting and optimisation through SEC regulated data.

All news and analysis articles

Allowing you to understand what the latest industry events mean for you.

Risk Journals

Highly technical papers taken from the eight Risk Journals.

Risk Quantum

Tracking the public disclosures of over 120 banks, funds, insurers, corporates, and central counterparties. 

Risk Books

Explore chapters from our extensive library.

Cutting Edge

Explore technical papers and podcasts on core topics.

The app

Access information anytime, anywhere.

Risk Subscriptions: CP Radar

Counterparty Radar

The Counterparty Radar is an interactive tool hosting US mutual funds data for three asset classes: credit (single-name CDS, index CDS), rates (interest rate swaps, inflation swaps)and FX (forwards, options). Users of the data can create peer comparisons, inform counterparty selection, and get a head start in client prospecting and optimisation. Alongside our unique commentary articles, all users can gain a true understanding of the OTC derivatives market size via the SEC-regulated fund filings.

Risk Subscriptions: News and Analysis

All news and analysis articles delivers unmatched coverage of complex issues that are ignored or under-reported elsewhere. We regularly break stories, but are not trying to compete in the provision of real-time news. Instead, we look at topics in detail, assess the implications, speak with practitioners, regulators and other stakeholders, and write detailed, analytical pieces about them.

These articles will allow you to stay on top of what’s happening in your market and what the latest developments mean for you and your organisation.

Risk Subscriptions: Journals

Online access to all Risk Journals

Risk Journals deliver peer-reviewed research covering financial risk topics such as credit risk, operational risk, investment strategies, commodities, infrastructures, derivatives, regulation and more.

These papers will provide you with financial models that will ultimately allow you to calculate and reduce financial risks accurately.

Risk Subscriptions: Academic

Risk Books

Risk Books cover a diverse range of finance subjects, including derivatives, hedge funds, quantitative analysis, credit, regulatory issues and operational risk through to the energy, insurance and currency markets.

The subjects are useful to academics and industry practitioners.

Risk Subscriptions: Quantum

Risk Quantum

Risk Quantum finds insights in data. The service tracks the public disclosures of over 120 banks, funds, insurers, corporates, and central counterparties – as well as reports from prudential and markets regulators – in Asia, Europe and North America.

As with the rest of’s coverage, our reporting relates to risk management, derivatives and regulation.

Articles are short, and broken into chunks – the facts, the context, and brief commentary – and use data visualisations to get each story across. The aim is to help our readers stay in touch with what their peers and competitors are doing and how their markets are changing.

Through our new integration tool, Risk Quantum Database, users can now pre-select peer groups and metrics from over 4 years of collected data and export. This data can be used for deep-dive research, benchmarking and tracking trends over time. 

Risk Subscriptions: Print

Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge offers regular technical papers and podcasts on a wide range of core topics, from credit risk management to portfolio risk modelling. Delve into innovative and practical solutions in quantitative finance across two sub-sections: banking and investments.

Discover original analysis exclusive to, evaluating key hypotheses in financial management fields. Our stringent editorial process ensures articles meet high publication standards on our site.

Risk Subscriptions: Print

Risk Scenarios

Access to Risk Scenarios: crowd-sourced scenario exercises that gathers forecasts from the audience and generates specific stress scenarios or portfolio impacts.

Risk Subscriptions: Apps (Tablet, Mobile)

The app Business subscribers get access to the app. The app updates throughout the day and provides users with a variety of exclusive features:

  • Scrapbook feature: found on the main menu, this allows you to save articles and read them offline
  • Magazine issues: read and download Risk and Asia Risk magazine issues
  • Operational Risk: access and read dedicated operational risk content on the go
  • Search bar function: simply tap into any article to use the search bar
  • Risk Quantum: exclusive content for Premium subscribers

A subscription will have a major impact on both your long term strategic planning and your day-to-day work.

Here’s some top reasons our users gave when asked why they subscribe:

To hear from thought leaders.

You’ll obtain exclusive insight from the movers and shakers at the very top of your industry. You’ll get their take on the latest events affecting you and your business, but crucially you’ll also learn how they see things changing in the future. Which will be invaluable when considering your own strategy.

To offer better support to stakeholders.

Accessing on a regular basis will give you a wider appreciation and knowledge of risk issues, and will help you foresee changes on the horizon. This in turn will allow you to be more proactive in supporting your stakeholders.

To get a broader view of the risk landscape.

The risk management environment is vast. You may specialise in a particular area, but it always pays to know what is going on outside of your immediate remit. Particularly if you want to identify new opportunities for branching out.

To understand what the competition are doing.

You’ll get a real understanding of other organisations’ attitudes towards the latest regulations, top risks and industry issues. Allowing you to compare and assess your position in relation to your peers.

To improve career prospects.

The intelligence provided by will be of interest to key people throughout your organisation. If you want your peers to see you as a source of crucial knowledge, or if you want to help drive strategy, you should seriously consider signing up to a subscription.